Barbie Patterns Information Catalog, Last modified 3/10/2003


                                 Simplicity Patterns



222/5637/6369 S61 (have 5637)

309/6967 (1985)



359/7882/7582 (1986) Have 7582




0684/9522 (2000) S193-2  - have 0684

0685/9521 (2000) S192-2 (have both)

4422 (1961) S36(2) &  L4




4510 (1961) S8

4700 (1962) S9-2

4883 (19xx)

S108 & L7




5214 (19xx) S169-2

12” doll

5215 (1963) S1-2

5276 (1972) L33




5330 (1972) S32

5356/6363/8333 (1981) S30-4 Have all versions



5547 (2003) S267

5637/222/6369 (1991) S61



5673 (1964) S153-3 & L2

5673 (2003) S259-3

Belle evening dress and gauntlets, Snow White dress, Cinderella dress and headband, Ariel Dress with headband, Sleeping Beauty, and Tinkerbelle dress and panties.

5702 (2003) S256-2



5731(1964) S22

5755(2002) S22-2

5785 (2002) S258, Remake of 4700




5800 (2002) S257-3


5807 (1982) S27

5913 (2002) S260-3

Centennial 1860: Dress, Petticoat, & Bonnet.

Colonial 1775: Bodice & Skirt, Collar, Hat, & Petticoat

Native American 1600: Dress & Shawl

Puritan 1620: Bodice & Skirt, Petticoat & Hat





6061 (1973) L34


6097 (1983) S144 & L35

6208 (1965) S3



6244 (1965) S131 12” doll

6363/8333/5356 (1983) S30-4 (have all versions)

6369/5637/222 (1983) S61 (see 5637)



6507 (1984) S62-2

6697 (1974) S58




6967/309 (1983) Have 309

6969 (1985) S170

7025 (2001) S217




7037 (2001) S216-3

7046 (1990) S43-2

7073 (2002) S220-3




7077 (2002) S225-2

7081 (2002) S221-3

7089 (2002) S219-3



7210 (1975) S129 & L36

7213 (2002) S231-1



7270/7928 (1981) S119 (7928) & L38

7362 (1991) S31-2

7582/359/7882 (1986) L29



7601 (1991) S47-2

7712 (1991) S23-2




7737 (1976) S20-2

7882/7582/359 (1986) See 7582

7928/270 (1986) S119 (2) & L38




7952 (1997) S93-2

7959 (1997) S94-2

8157 (199 ) S




8158 (1992 ) S121

8281 (1977) S4

8333/5356/6363(1987) S30-4 have all versions




8369 (1998) S97-2

8377 (1963) S137 & L30

8388 (1993) S180




8389 (1993) S132 Child + Doll

8457 (1998) S100

8466 (1969) S79-3   




8481 (1998) S98-2

8518 (1993) S46-2

8519 (1969) L31




8566 (1993) S130 Child & Doll

8581 (1993) L-51 Child & Doll




8633 (1993) S140-2 Child & Doll

8682 (1993)  S127 Child & Doll

8797 (1994) S25-2




9054 (1970) S120-2

9062 (1999) S156-2

9097 (1970) S83-2




9194 (1979) S167-2


9334 (1989) S33-5

9521/0685 (2000) S192-3




9522/0684 (2000) S193

9664 (2001) S204-3

9697 (1971) S6-3




9698 (1971) L26

9704 (2001) S206-2

9773 (2001) 208-3




9838 (1996) S48-3

9840 (2001) S211-2

9913 (2001) S213-2



9975 (2001) S218-2




6061 (1973) S10

15 ½ Doll

5941 (1962) L39

Child & Tammy

8519 (1969) S182

6107 S226 (12” Tammy)